Frequently Asked Questions

Any business that wants to find ways to reduce their overall impact on the environment, reduce their contribution to climate change and make a positive change towards a more sustainable world. We’re here to help you make a difference.
Simply register your business as a member and get started. If you’re unsure and want to speak to someone first then call or email us. We’re happy to help.
It has been recognised by investors that managing environmental impacts is a good sign of well-run company. It is good for the local and global environment, good for brand building, leads to reduced costs (less waste) through good housekeeping, and compliance with the law (low risk).
It will take no more than one hour to complete a two step process that will provide you with a bespoke, regulatory review report and an action plan to achieve according to your own time table.
All members need to complete the two step on-line process which will provide guidance and a set of goals. However, we realise that some companies already do a lot to reduce their impacts and want to get this recognised, and validated by an outside organisation. If so, the Silver level is for you. With one-to-one help (with a human) we will be able to help you to figure out how to make further improvements and what steps to take to action them.
We have developed the Sustainable Leaders in Business Award drawing on our many years of expertise and skill in order to help you meet the big challenges involved with running a business and being as sympathetic to the planet as you can. Our aim is to give all of our members access to help and advise to make sustainable improvements without incurring significant consultancy costs.